Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Doing 2 with Eliya Grace

OH sweet girl! You are so full of life. And this season it's a hard one. It is a season of training for you most definitely, but I have a sneaking suspicion it is also a season of training for me. You see you are fiercely independent. God has chosen to gift you with the desire to set things in order and make sure all is as it should be, but you are two. You are two and you are having to learn to submit. And I pray the Lord would cause your Daddy and I to be faithful and diligent to teach you this. Because I know that gift sweet girl. I know it and submission does not come easy to those like us, but it is sweet. To be under God's authority and if the Lord is willing your husbands authority is not grievous. It is a great and precious gift and with all my heart I want to teach you this now that you would quickly submit when the Father asks things of you.

And while I am teaching you the Lord is teaching me the same lesson even still. HE is speaking to me. He is teaching me again to willingly lay my life down. Our days right now are full of fits and fussing and you are pulling hard against Mommy and Daddy. The days seem long so that I am ready to lay down on my pillow at 3:00 in the afternoon. And you are not sleeping well and you are wanting your own way in everything. I mean everything. But I know, even when I don't remember, that this time is opportunity to give you the gift of submission. And only God can give you a heart for it and I pray even now that He would do this soon.

But I would be remiss if I did not record the sweet, sweet moments of joy. Motown dance parties in the kitchen, the way you love to comb my hair. The funny way you say poo poo, so that daddy makes you say it over and over. You are so smart sweet girl. You amaze me daily with the connections you figure out and the way you are able to retain information. You love to pick out your own clothes and as long as both items have pink in them you declare them a perfect match. You love to jump, you can jump far and high like your daddy. You love to give daddy big long snuggles or sneak in when daddy is hugging mommy and do a giant family hug. You love to read books. I have yet to read until you wanted to be finished. I'm not sure how long that would take. I love you sweet girl. With all my heart.

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