Wednesday, November 20, 2013


 We are all in a season of learning and life is sweet around here these days. Isn't the Lord sweet to teach us?  Little Jadon just learned to crawl and he is already getting into everything. He is such a sweet little guy, easy going, with a ready smile. We are beyond thankful for this little guy. Eliya gently and sometimes not so gently, explains life to him in her sweet two year old little voice. Eliya is learning obedience and submission and manners. She always mixes up asking to be excused from the table and saying excuse me when she wants to talk. Johnny and I will be talking in the car and she pipes in "May I be excused". She is learning to sit still with her hands in her lap. (I think we are successfully up to 2 minutes) while we read our Bible story in the morning. I love this girl with a big fierce love. She is teaching me so much about what is important.She is in a season of learning so much and who has the Lord given the privilege of teaching her these things? This momma. SO I am learning to lay aside the things that are not as important in exchange for the great work that the Lord has given me of raising this little girl. Oh my fiesty little bundle of joy. She is so energetic and creative. She loves to dance and to sing. I think her favorite thing in the world is to play with water. So some days we just go with it. We grab towels and buckets and cups and just sit on the kitchen floor for a good long while and pour water. I digress...learning.

Isaiah...well this boy is learning HOW TO DRIVE!! How did we get here. How is it that I hear a man's voice when he calls me from the basement. How in the world is he 6 ft tall and strong enough to beat me in an arm wrestle. Yes he's learning how to drive. He's learning other important things to, like how to navigate relationships and how to prioritize time and Lord please teach his heart the most important thing. Please teach him to hear your voice. Help us not to get in the way, but to direct him to You in every circumstance. 

Me,  I am learning to give myself grace in figuring out this stay at home mom thing. By His sweet grace I am learning to rely on Him in the moment more than ever before and to let things go that are just not that important. It's like I know the secret and it takes practice. Practice to set my mind on Him. To train myself to think the right way at the right time. That is our work. To believe. That is what Jesus said when the people asked Him, "How do we work the works of God?"... We believe on the one whom He is sent and believing is a gift, but the Lord asks us to be diligent to put that gift to work. We must take our thoughts captive...we must set our affections on things above...we must consider Him. These things are worth our time and our effort. And even our effort we trust to come from Him. It's a mystery really...a stunning beautiful mystery...a mystery worth reveling in and pursuing with all of our hearts. and when we look at the right things what can come forth but worship. Oh the sweetness of Jesus. 

So a season of learning around here. Grateful for the most patient teacher! 

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