Friday, September 6, 2013

Mi Vida Loca

Aaaahhhh Life... I am sure anyone with toddlers will be able to relate, but today just felt crazy. It's our anniversary. 9 years today with the man who is quite literally everything I need in a man.  His strengths so often shoring up my weaknesses and even his weaknesses perfectly suited to grow me into the woman God intended for me to be. We made beautiful plans for our anniversary. A nice dinner, a movie and in the morning... a hike and coffee at our favorite spot, just the two of us. But alas, what are we doing instead??? Cleaning up puke and rocking crying babies. Taking turns passing the kids back and forth for the tasks that are suited best to each one of us. Mom cleans up the puke, while Daddy rocks the baby. Mom nurses the baby, Daddy tells a story and rocks the sweet, sick little baby girl to sleep. And in the midst of all of this you look at me and I know what you are thinking. You are thinking you wouldn't trade this for all the world. The look on your face says you are grateful for me, grateful for us and this crazy messy life the Lord has given. You look at me like I am beautiful even though I am wearing my "I have been puked on too many times to count" outfit. (I know it's not cute) But my heart is happy, at rest and I truly believe this is exactly what I needed. I don't think the perfect dinner or the perfect latte or the perfect quiet would have made this anniversary any better. Thank you my love, thank you for being you, for laughing with me at our foiled plans and messy house, for being patient with me for nine years, for whispering just the right words in my ear as we fall asleep. You are most certainly the love of my life and I treasure all these crazy days and this crazy life with you.

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