Saturday, June 23, 2012

One year and walking

My sweet Eliya Grace...

One year old. I cannot believe it. I know it is cliche to say this, but it happened so fast. You my sweet angel, bring so much joy it is immeasurable.

We had a small celebration at Nana and Papa's. I made cupcakes and you ate a whole one. No surprise there :) You are a fantastic eater. 

Some new things you are doing
.you make the cutest scrunchy face when you smile
.you still love peek a boo and hiding behind the curtains is your favorite game
.you make the cutest little face when we tell you to smile
.you threw your first official fit the other day, daddy and I just watched you and shook our heads
. WALKING!!! SO fun. You started this just a couple of days after your birthday.

You love your brother, but sometimes you get a little feisty with him. You are still shy, but you like to peek around mommy and smile at new people.  We are starting to see your personality a little bit more. You definitely let us know when you don't like something. You are such and adventurous girl. We are trying to teach you to carefully go down stairs feet first, but you always want to jump down. Needless to say you are not very cautious.

We are just starting to discipline, and it is hard to know how much you understand, but we are counting on consistency and the Holy Spirits constant guidance. This part is scary for me because I know we won't always make the right call. But we are determined to raise you up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and are trusting for His blessing on this!  This first year with you has been such a blessing. Lord willing there will be many more to come!

Love you Miss Eliya Grace!

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