Saturday, June 23, 2012

Heart towards Salvation

It often happens that the Lord speaks in groups to me. Maybe because I am still to busy about other things to listen the first time and it takes that to get my attention.

Salvation...why is it that sharing the gospel is so often overlooked, difficult, deemed unimportant. Isn't this the most important thing? At church on Sunday Adam showed a video of this atheist and one thing stuck out to me. He said he has no respect for people who do not proselytize.  He's right. If we really believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, why the hesitancy to share it?  If I believe I have the answer why not give it joyously? Why?

My husband said something to me the other day about a separate issue, but I think it applies here. He said we have got to stop letting the culture dictate so much of our thoughts about what is right and wrong. See our culture says everyone has the right to believe what they want. We shouldn't throw our religion in people's faces. But if we believe that without Jesus people are dying an eternal death it should be worth whatever risks are involved.

Ann Voskamps blog today was about sharing Jesus in the airport, and about how often we are indeed ashamed of the gospel. We are afraid to appear weak, or dumb or any number of things.

The movie "The Fountain"... so many questions about life and death and what comes after. And I am shaken up. I should be at peace about all of this...right??

Lord give a heart that sings salvation loud and clear.

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